This carrd is updated regularly. Because of this, textual information and character appearances might change, be added, or be removed.
Possible story warnings: body horror, death, drugs (fictional), violence,

Hello! This is my OCS information page. I will only provide basic information about them here.

All of the OCS down here are related to one lore.
《I won't spoil any of my lore here...yet》


Age & Height□, 182cm (~5'12 ft)
NationalityCanada - Taiwan

A mysterious person, his true intentions are never revealed unless he reveals them. The person who got closest to the truth of his personality, as acknowledged by himself.[POLICES REPORT]
As a mentalist, the suspect is deeply perceptive and manipulative, having a large knowledge of the human psyche. The suspect is capable of analyzing and understanding obscure messages or drawings with the suspect's great knowledge of the human mind.
An expert liar, as the suspect can fool anyone. When it comes to the post-petrification humans, the suspect can easily impress and trick them into believing his tales. Though he is "equally" good at manipulating people. The suspect has stated that the best trick of a mentalist is to "make your joker look like the ace of spades". The suspect was also able to fool a polygraph test, with only half-truths.The suspect uses polite language. The suspect isn't entirely sane, but not "mad" either.|

Ha-Joon (하준)

Age & Height29, 162cm (~5'3 ft)
D.O.BFeb 17

Ha-Joon studied in a law school and could be described as clever and quick-thinking, contributing to her success as a lawyer. She was mainly known for her bluffing tactics and determination, stubbornly trying to find a way to get the information she needed to control her trials.The victim's body was found cooked individual pieces of her body to stop her from decomposing and emitting the smell of rotting flesh, using boiling water,t the killer(s?) boiled the pieces of her body and disposed of them in her household’s garbage.Ha-Joon and "Seicariot" used to be lovers until the day she suddenly went missing.

Yang Minhh

Age & Height□, 179cm (~5'10 ft)
D.O.BJul 10
NationalityCanada - Taiwan

Hello, why are you reading this again? There is nothing to see here. Most of the universe is dead.I am no longer myself or anybody else.I am simply not here.

Veronica Nguyen (Yuvia)

Age & Height19, 170cm (~5'6 ft)
D.O.BOct 7
NationalityGermany - Vietnam

Yuvia was a bold and strong-willed young girl, she had no problem talking to strangers as if she's already acquainted with them. She and Yang were the best of friends back then until [ERROR]The victim's body was chopped up into pieces. Body parts were found near the [X] river, dead. All signs pointed to homicides. The authorities found an axe was being hidden behind the bush near there which had the fingerprints of [□□□□]


Height169cm (~5'5 ft) 《most use form》

Qīng yún (青云)

Age & Height16, 157cm (~5'2″ ft)
D.O.BSep 19

She was as charismatic as she was kind, being able to see others' efforts to turn over a new leaf.

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